I have designed pieces across a wide range of subjects and styles: from traditional to intricate sculptures and modern signature art, from nature-inspired pieces to completely original pieces, and each require different tools and a lot of love.
Please contact me to commission a piece, arrange a time to look at my work or just for more information.
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My name is Vernon A. Harper, III and I am a professional sculptor and mold maker. I earned my Bachelors of Fine Art in foundry, stone sculpture, and mold making from Colorado Mesa University in 2009. I built my studio in 2015 and officially became a business in 2017. Since graduation, I have continued to sculpt marble and cast bronze.
The thing about artist's portfolios is that there never have been, or for that matter ever will be, two alike. With this in mind I would like to try to use this digital format to try to introduce myself, my work, my thoughts, and a little of what makes me who I am. I have been consumed in my metamorphosis, from what was in the past to the now, in a world of creation, a world of art. I am an artist, a fool, a magician on the hill that conjures a thought into reality, through art, and creation. And I feel the rumbles of the universe through my soul.

In his essay "The Romantics Were Prompted", Rothko noted that artists represent a part of society that is not always appreciated or understood, and as such can become targets of ridicule and disdain. But, once an artist accepts that he/she is different and can enjoy that difference, he is freed of the burden of the pretense of modern society, and only then can he approach his creation through the transcendental.

My art is a reflection of who I am and my observations of the world around me. In my life I have seen the sun rise in the jungle and heard the animals of that primal forest greet the dawn. I have swum the depths of the oceans and felt the weight of the world press down upon me. I have jumped from the sky and felt the wind rush through my soul. I have walked through deserts in the night with the stars as my only companions, listening to their song of silent continuum. I have been boggled at the enormity of the universe and been amazed at the fact that there is no other creature like myself, and that helps me to understand my fellow man. I am an artist and through my imagination and passion I try to bring beauty and grace into the physical world around me. I love to observe you the observer and see what impact my art has on the world we share, to talk about my artistic thoughts to share and enjoy, but don't get me wrong; I do not do this to try to please others becuase it's not about them; it is simply what I have to do, and I do it with love.

Upon hope: let it be known that as this world spins, so does my prayer of hope.